SY 20-21
Student Expectations
Virtual School Student Attendance Expectations
Thank you for enrolling your child with Takini School during the School Year 2020-2021. We are pleased to be providing education through the School Board approved virtual platform during the unprecedented COVID-19 global pandemic to ensure the safety of all stakeholders. Takini School purchased devices for all students to have the opportunity to attend virtual instruction.
Parents/Guardians and Students Device Use:
IT actively monitors device usage, as these devices are intended for academic use only.
Please remind your student not to change the password that was issued by Takini School.
Please charge your students device at the end of each school day to ensure that the device is fully charged for the next school day.
Eating and drinking is prohibited while using the device; this will keep the device safe for everyday use.
You will need to protect your device; do not throw, sit on, or mishandle the device - Takini School has issued all students a carrying case for extra protection.
If you break your device you will not be issued a new device as these are limited; currently manufactures are delayed in making more devices due to a high supply and demand.
You will be financially responsible for your students' device if it is returned broken as this is Takini School property and will need to be replaced.
Students with Internet
Attendance Expectations:
Students with internet service are expected to attend classes on a daily basis. Students will be counted absent for the days they do not attend classes. Takini School adheres to CRST Attendance Code/Ordinance. Students are expected to dress appropriately and follow the rules of the virtual classroom.
Classwork Expectations:
Students are expected to complete daily classwork for grade submission into NASIS.
Students without Internet
Attendance Expectations:
Students without current internet service are provided instructional packets. Students attendance is identified by returning completed work packets. If packets are not returned completed, students will be counted absent.
Classwork Expectations:
Students are expected to complete and return instructional classwork for grade submission into NASIS.
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After the 3rd, 6th, and 8th absence : Notification in writing to parents/guardians of their child’s absences. The
Principal/Designee will make personal contact with the parents/guardians notifying him/her of the absences and explaining the possible consequences of continued absenteeism.
After the 10th unexcused absence: The tribal prosecutor and/or Bureau of Indian Affairs/State of South Dakota Social Services representatives will be informed if home visits and/or phone calls by the Attendance Clerk and/or office are disregarded. Parents/Guardians will be notified in writing if a petition is/or will be filed with the Tribal Prosecutor.
Consecutive Absences : Students who miss ten consecutive days (excused or unexcused) are automatically dropped (waivers are available for medical purposes). Juvenile authorities will be informed if home visits and/or phone calls by the Attendance Clerk and/or office are disregarded. Parents/Guardians will be notified in writing if affidavits are/or will be filed with the Tribal Prosecutor.
Page 27 of SY 20-21 Parent/Guardian/Student Handbook
All requirements are the same for each grade. The following are guidelines but not limited to passing a grade level.
Students must complete all requirements of their grade level and have passing grades to pass on to the next grade level.
Absences, grades, class participation, attitude and behavior all attribute to passing a grade level.
Parent/Guardian will be notified in a timely manner if a student is being considered for retention.
Student classification or grade level for grades 9-12 shall be determined as follows at the beginning of each school year:
Freshman……………………..…..Student must have completed 8th grade.
Sophomore……………………… Student must have earned 6 credits.
Junior…………………………… ....Student must have earned 11 credits.
Senior……………………………… Student must have earned 22 credits.